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505 E. Buck Rd
Wilmington, DE, 19807
United States

(302) 472-0021

Christ Church Episcopal Preschool educates young children, creates community among school, families, and church, and honors and nurtures children in the Episcopal tradition. We welcome children aged two to five in small classes where all are affirmed as children of God and are inspired and encouraged to become their best selves—socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. 

2024-2025 Back to School Greetings!

Back To School Greetings! 

In just four short weeks, we will be together again to kick off the 2024-2025 school year at Christ Church Episcopal Preschool. I am honored to be your head of school and promise to serve with faith and love. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you who have attended summer camp and can’t wait to meet everyone else. I know that we will have an amazing school year celebrating our beautiful children as they grow and learn! 

We have a lot of information to share so please take some time to review this communication. Effective communication directly impacts our students’ success and we are continuously seeking ways to enhance our communication with you. Your feedback is always welcome! 

Want More CCEP Time?

If you are registered for half days and are interested in full days, please let us know as space is available. Additionally, if you are registered for 3 days (T,W,Th) and would like 5 days, both half day and full day options are still available!

Family Calendar 

The calendar for the entire school year is now available. The calendar will also be available on our website. Changes to the calendar are unlikely, but sometimes necessary. If changes are made, we will send out an updated calendar with a reminder on Brightwheel of the actual change. 

Important Dates 

Thursday, August 29 – Meet & Greet Picnic (4:30-6) 

Tuesday, September 3 – First Day of School for 3 Day (T, W, Th) & 5 Day Students

Comfort Coffee Following Drop Off - Tuesday, August 3 & Friday, August 6 

Friday, September 6 – First Day of School for Kickstart (M & F) Students 

Thursday, September 19 – Back to School Night (6-7:30) 

Parent Coffees with Mrs. Abio and Parents Association following drop-off 

*Pre-K (Stars) – Monday, September 16 

*Beginner (Cherubs/Angels) – Tuesday, September 17 

*Nursery (Doves/Butterflies) – Wednesday, September 18 

*Primary (Lambs/Lions) – Friday, September 19  

*Kick Start Families- Friday, September 19

Thursday, September 26 – First Family Chapel (8:45)  

Register for Before School Care, After-School Care and Holiday Camp 

Lisa Stevens, former Nursery teacher, will serve as our Preschool Director of Special Programs. She can be reached directly at: Before school care begins at 7:30 am. After-school care ends at 5:30 pm. Holiday camps are provided during non-school days and are led by our own beloved teachers. Space is still available but will fill quickly! 

Early Care Registration Form Extended Day Registration Form Holiday Camp Registration Form

Parents Association 

I am pleased to announce our amazing and dedicated Parents Association leadership team. All parents are invited and encouraged to participate in our PA. Planning for an exciting and eventful year for our community is underway. Check out our PA website page (coming soon) for the meeting schedule, events and more.  

President: Tamson Livanov (Vivien – Pre-K) 

Vice President: Vienna Perillo (Lucas- Pre-K and Elliott- Nursery) 

Class Assignments & Process 

Our system for creating classes is based on several factors. Examples include boy/girl ratio, development/age, and optimal class size with a commitment to low student/teacher ratios. CCEP teachers are exceptional, committed and care for each child as if they were their own. They are held to high expectations and continuously work hard to ensure that each day is special. We are committed to continuous professional development and follow best practices and current research.  Our youngest students have between a 4–6-month age range. Primary students have between a 3- 5-month range, and Pre-K has a 10-month range. In Delaware, students must turn 5 before August 31 to start Kindergarten. CCEP follows this guideline when placing students in classes. For example, students entering Pre-K must be 4 years of age by August 31. I am always available to discuss our process and to answer your questions.  

Student Welcome Letters – Mailed on August 26th 

Your teachers will be sending a welcome letter to their students along with other important classroom information and items needed in preparation for the start of school. Check your mailboxes during the week of August 26! 


For assistance using Brightwheel, please visit the Guardian Guide on Brightwheel’s website.

Parent Handbook

View our updated 2024-2025 Parent Handbook