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505 E. Buck Rd
Wilmington, DE, 19807
United States

(302) 472-0021

Christ Church Episcopal Preschool educates young children, creates community among school, families, and church, and honors and nurtures children in the Episcopal tradition. We welcome children aged two to five in small classes where all are affirmed as children of God and are inspired and encouraged to become their best selves—socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. 

BTS Picnic 1.jpg

Mrs. Abio's Avenue


Mrs. Abio’s Avenue

  • Exchange Every Day is a valued resource of mine. A piece was recently published by

    Miriam Beloglovsky

    , highlighting why children are naturally drawn to nature's beauty. We deeply value nature at CCEP and I wanted to highlight why our unique outdoor playgrounds are essential for optimal childhood development.  

    “Whether it be the brilliant colors of a sunset, the intricate patterns of a snowflake, or how leaves change colors in the Fall.” The designs and experiences provided by the environments we offer our children contribute greatly to their healthy development.

    When we play and explore outside in nature, children are surrounded by PATTERNS. Patterns represent the interconnectedness of all things and the delicate equilibrium that sustains life. Children thrive with routine and structure; RHYTHM organizes daily events into predictable and coherent patterns which increase neuroplasticity. We strive to create equitable and inclusive spaces that embrace DIVERSE relationships, rhythms and system patterns. Nature’s MYSTERIES spark a sense of wonder, curiosity and an eagerness to learn. UNITY brings us together with nature, and each other, and our shared responsibility to preserve balance and harmony.

    Our students get to connect with nature every day! By doing so, they are creating a beautiful and sustainable world for generations to come.