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505 E. Buck Rd
Wilmington, DE, 19807
United States

(302) 472-0021

Christ Church Episcopal Preschool educates young children, creates community among school, families, and church, and honors and nurtures children in the Episcopal tradition. We welcome children aged two to five in small classes where all are affirmed as children of God and are inspired and encouraged to become their best selves—socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. 

Mrs. Abio's Avenue


Jennifer Fordham

I love spending time in our learning spaces and listening to the children play when their imaginations are hard at work. Building a magnificent block tower, creating a grocery store shopping experience or reenacting familial roles by “playing house”, these experiences are crucial to healthy development. Children today have many opportunities to participate in sports and extracurricular activities which are an important part of their development. Equally important is unstructured time to play through imaginative experiences. What happens when children are immersed in imaginative play?

Social Development Children have a natural way of relating and connecting when they play. They learn to take turns, share, and work together. As children join in imaginary play, they begin to understand relationships better. They have opportunities to experiment with social boundaries. They improve their social skills and become more connected, confident, and self-reliant. As a result, they build better relationships with their peers.

Emotional Development

Imaginative play fosters emotional competence and empathy. During make-believe play, children practice caring for others and showing empathy. For example, when they participate in doctor pretend play, they learn how to be kind, gentle, and to help others. As children begin to understand their feelings and emotions, they learn how to interact appropriately.

Language Development Growing research confirms the importance of imaginative play in early childhood language development. Play is all about communication. Sit back and listen to your child while they play. They love to describe and narrate what’s happening. This conversation enhances their vocabulary and language skills. By providing a supportive, high-quality play environment, you can boost your child’s language skills.

Encourages Independence

Imaginative play allows your child to make their own rules, explore new ideas, and create stories. As a result, they begin connecting with the world and incorporating what they have learned into their dramatic play. This encourages freedom to take risks. Subsequently, those risks are essential to gaining their independence and becoming critical thinkers.

Increases Creativity Creativity can be a stress reducer and is instrumental to your child’s well-being. Engaging in fantasy play allows children to stimulate their imagination which will increase their creativity. With a good imagination, your child can pretend to be anything or anyone they want!

Develops Problem-solving Skills

Excellent problem-solving skills require creativity. Children need time and space to figure things out for themselves. They learn to develop these skills through imaginative play. For instance, they negotiate who gets to play what role. They might re-enact real-life situations and role-play activities which develop their problem-solving skills.

Children become more curious when caregivers and parents join their imaginative play, but make sure you give them space to solve their problems.

Thank you for reading this week’s Abio Avenue, and take some time to enjoy imaginative.

Exchange EveryDay

Jennifer Fordham

Welcome to Mrs. Abio’s Avenue, a  new addition to our weekly newsletter. I am excited to share my own thoughts and reflections regarding topics relevant to early childhood development and practice. Enjoy!

Exchange Every Day is a valued resource of mine. A piece was recently published by Miriam Beloglovsky, highlighting why children are naturally drawn to nature's beauty. We deeply value nature at CCEP and I wanted to highlight why our unique outdoor playgrounds are essential for optimal childhood development.  

“Whether it be the brilliant colors of a sunset, the intricate patterns of a snowflake, or how leaves change colors in the Fall.” The designs and experiences provided by the environments we offer our children contribute greatly to their healthy development.

When we play and explore outside in nature, children are surrounded by PATTERNS. Patterns represent the interconnectedness of all things and the delicate equilibrium that sustains life. Children thrive with routine and structure; RHYTHM organizes daily events into predictable and coherent patterns which increase neuroplasticity. We strive to create equitable and inclusive spaces that embrace DIVERSE relationships, rhythms and system patterns. Nature’s MYSTERIES spark a sense of wonder, curiosity and an eagerness to learn. UNITY brings us together with nature, and each other, and our shared responsibility to preserve balance and harmony.

Our students get to connect with nature every day! By doing so, they are creating a beautiful and sustainable world for generations to come.