“My mom is from Canada and has not been able to come and visit since march to see her grandchildren. I gave her access to brightwheels and it is now the highlight of her day to receive the pictures and videos of her grandson.”
2020 ccep parent
parent community
Car line in the morning is filled with chatter as moms, dads, and caregivers drop their children off and grab a few minutes to trade stories or catch up. There’s a sense of camaraderie formed by surviving sleepless nights, toddler tantrums, and kindergarten school tours.
We actively create a strong parent community. This goal is so important to us that it’s even part of our mission statement. We provide opportunities for parents to learn and serve together, to experience contemplative time on our campus, to socialize and be part of a supportive community.
In addition to the family events we host throughout the year, we also provide social events just for parents and bring in experts to lead robust parenting discussions. But the strongest relationships are formed when our parents partner with us to help create the caring, present world they want their children to live in. They volunteer in the classroom and lead events/fundraisers that benefit the school and extended community. As they do so, they build strong relationships with other parents who share their values.
Our parents form lifelong friendships with other CCEP parents. Many parents whose children graduated from CCEP a decade or more ago tell us that they found their closest friends here. A family new to our school and new to our area will be taken under the wing of an existing CCEP family, having their questions answered and their fears allayed. We often welcome alumni parents back to our school for events, or just for a visit. Our alumni community is a real thing!